Teach Na Tuisceana

(House of Understanding) 

Meditation in the tradition of Thai Forest Master Ajahn Chah

in Co. Galway, Ireland


This site has meditation workshops, retreats, and sitting groups run by our sangha.  Day events are free and run at Teach na Tuisceana in Maree, retreats are by donation and held at Kilcuan Retreat Centre in Clarinbridge.

--- Click on title for more info --- 

with Guo Xing Bhikshuni   

Sun 28th July  9.30am - 5pm 

     25th October - 3rd November 2024, 18th -27th April 2025

Weekend Retreat 

28/29 September

details to be added 

New Year Retreat 

28th December - 1st January

details to be added 

Every Thursday,  7:30 p.m


Recordings of Teachings 

Ajahn Sucitto 

Dhamma Talk 4th Dec. 2021 audio: LINK  video: LINK   Q&A  audio: LINK video: LINK 

Ajahn Viradhammo 

Bank Holiday Retreat 30th April - 3rd May 2021 + talk for 10 day retreat

Friday Evening:  Introduction 

Refuges and precepts:  LINK

Saturday Afternoon and Evening:  Awareness 

Afternoon reflection: LINK   Q&A: LINK    Evening talk with Q&A: LINK

Sunday Afternoon and Evening:  Movements of the Mind 

Aft. reflection: LINK  Metta practice with Q&A: LINK  Evening Med: LINK Evening talk: LINK

Monday Afternoon: Karma

Reflection with Q&A: LINK

Friday Evening talk for 10 day retreat:  Self Criticism, Guilt & Self Doubt 

Meditation instruction, awareness: LINK   Talk: LINK   Q&A: LINK

Ajahn Sucitto 

Morning teaching sessions from retreat 24th-27th Oct 2020 - Introduction to theme, guided meditation sitting, intro to walking meditation. 1 hr 10 mins to 1hr 20mins long

Saturday: Embodiment  LINK

Sunday: Awareness  LINK

Ajahn Chandasiri 

Evening Reflection Sun 24 May 2020

Reflection:  LINK   Q&A: LINK