Weekend Insight  Meditation Retreat 

With Brian Hickey & Jackie Carrol 

Fri 8th March (approx 7pm) - Sun 10th March (approx. 4pm)

Developing an internal sense of spaciousness and perspective allows us to lead a life where one is not knocked about by uncertainty and difficulties. On this retreat we will explore how to do this using both mind and body practices.  There will be periods of reflections, sitting, walking, & standing meditations, as well as space for questions and interactions. Each morning Brian Hickey will guide a foundation training session. 

The retreat will be held in Noble Silence and participants will be keeping the Eight Precepts. To find out more about coming on retreat please see here: http://www.sunyatacentre.org/coming-on-retreat-at-sunyata/

To book a place, or to make enquiries, please write to teachnat@gmail.com. We will send you a link to the registration form and more information by return. 

Cost of Retreat

This retreat is offered on a donation (dana) basis. At the end of the retreat there will be an opportunity to give a donation towards the hiring the facilities and our other costs. The teachings are free. The donation can be made at the retreat, or on-line using this paypal link: DONATION.

Jackie Carroll has over 25 years' experience of working in frontline crisis services for victims of domestic abuse and the homeless and first took up mindfulness to help reduce the stress of working in a crisis environment. She went on to explore other aspects of Buddhist meditation. She has attended 10 day intensive retreats with various teachers and has now completed an MA in Mindfulness-based interventions at Bangor University in Wales. She has a well-developed personal meditation practice and adheres to the UK and Irish Mindfulness Teachers Network Good Practice Guidelines. 

Brian Hickey

Brian is a physical therapist and Foundation Training instructor who has a love of the human body. He has been practicing meditation for over 15 years, attended numerous retreats and stayed in Chithurst Buddhist Monastery for the three month winter retreat. He is teaching introduction to Buddhist meditation for us and the use of breath work and foundation training to improve posture. He took this up to cure his own bad back and poor posture.