
No Peace, 

No Problem 

One Day Meditation Workshop with Nick Scott

Saturday 4th May 9.30am- 5.00pm 

Although meditation practice does lead to a more peaceful mind, ultimately it results in something much more valuable, the ability to be at peace with whatever is happening, be it peaceful or not peaceful. In this workshop we will explore how to cultivate this wise perspective. 

This day is suitable for both those experienced and those relatively new to meditation. It is free, with everyone bringing a contribution to a shared lunch.

To book a place and for more information please write to

Nick Scott has been teaching short and long retreats for over 20 years with the endorsement of senior monks in the Thai Forest tradition. His teaching is wise and humorous, and illustrated with personal stories and insights from 45 years of meditation, including long solitary retreats and residing for 10 years at Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in England. He is the author of several Buddhist travel books recounting adventures with Buddhist monks. These can be downloaded for free at: 

Nick is by profession an Ecologist and has spent his life working for environmental charities. He now lives with his partner, Micheline, in Co Galway.